Happy New Year

Happy New Year ♥ Wow! Another year done, and dusted. I pray 2016 is a prosperous and happy one for us all, filled with love, happiness, good health and success (*sending you lots of positive energy and vibes*).

Like every year 2015 was filled with a healthy mixture of ups and downs, all of which I am extremely grateful for. These experiences enabled me to learn a great deal more about myself and strengthened my desire for certain things. All in all it was a rather chilled and relaxing year :)

Although I don't believe you should wait for the arrival of a new year to change something (why wait? Don't use that foolishness of an excuse to prolong the desired change), I've written down some of the things I hope to achieve, experience and put into practice in 2016:

- Pass my driving test
- Make full use of my 2016 diary
- Join the gym and keep at it
- Cook more often
- Go strawberry picking
- Wake up earlier
- Drink more water
- Continue to de-clutter my room
- Volunteer at a homeless shelter over the Christmas period
- Be more proactive towards my career path
- Take vitamins daily
- Go on holiday with friends
- Curse less
- Read more books
- Spend less; save more
- Discover an array of new restaurants to eat out at
- Be more consistent with my blog and YouTube channel
- Take my dad out for dinner
- Spend time with my family and friends
- Sleep earlier
- Make myself packed lunch for work

What are you hoping to achieve or experience this year?

Ciao ♥ Xx